To support health and fitness of all ages through recreational running.



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Community Assistance

Oklahoma City Running Club

Community Assistance Program

The Oklahoma City Landrunners have established the community assistance program to further the club’s mission:  to support health and fitness for all through recreational running.  The Landrunners will consider donation request for recognized organizations, running events, educational institutions, or running programs.  Donation requests are handled through the club’s Community Assistance Committee on a continual basis, with funds being awarded biannually.

To be eligible for a donation your organization/group must meet the following minimum requirements:

1.  The organization must be recommended for the donation by a
      current member of the OKC Running Club.

2.  The project must be aligned with the Landrunners mission.

3.  Requested funds can be utilized for activities, such as scholarships, 
      equipment, facility improvement and/or program development.

4.  Complete the Application-PDF  / Application-WordDoc.

5.  Submit a follow-up report indicating how the money was spent and outcome, no later than six (6) months after the award is granted.


In order to help expedite the donation procedure, please submit the completed application by mail to:

Landrunner Community Assistance Committee
Oklahoma City Running Club

PO. Box 18113
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73154

Or by email to



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