To support health and fitness of all ages through recreational running.



USATF youth team/coach needed

  • Wed, January 30, 2013 10:20 AM
    Message # 1193486
    Deleted user

    I am moving to Oklahoma in May with my twin 13 yr old daughters that have participated in track and field at the national level for the last 4 years. We are moving from Ft. Bragg NC to Ft. Sill OK and are looking for a club nearby to run track. I have tried using the USATF OK website and do not find much info. I am thinking of living closer to OKC in order to have them run on a competitive team. Anyone have info or suggestions for us? Also wanted to know about schools in the area that have developed track and field progams. Appreciate any feedback you can give.


  • Fri, February 01, 2013 8:34 AM
    Reply # 1195587 on 1193486
    Elizabeth Turner wrote:

    I am moving to Oklahoma in May with my twin 13 yr old daughters that have participated in track and field at the national level for the last 4 years. We are moving from Ft. Bragg NC to Ft. Sill OK and are looking for a club nearby to run track. I have tried using the USATF OK website and do not find much info. I am thinking of living closer to OKC in order to have them run on a competitive team. Anyone have info or suggestions for us? Also wanted to know about schools in the area that have developed track and field progams. Appreciate any feedback you can give.



    Our awesome marathon trainer, Bill Snipes, was a running coach for at least one educational institution here in the OKC area.  He wasn't able to access this forum and your post, but he would be glad to help you.  Simply email him at [] and he will write you back.

    Doug C.


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