To support health and fitness of all ages through recreational running.



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Cancelled - Week 1 - OCMM Spring Training - 3 / 6 Miles

  • Sat, January 07, 2017
  • 7:00 AM (CST)
  • First Church / OKC National Memorial (NW 5th & Robinson)

Cancelled - Week 1 - OCMM Spring Training - 3 / 6 Miles

It was a difficult decision to make but we have decided to cancel our first training run that was scheduled for tomorrowSat., Jan 7. We always want to put safety first and we are concerned that with the limited melting on non-plowed streets and the refreezing that will occur overnight it would present an undue risk for people to drive on and to run on. We do not want to risk injuries during our first training run. 

Weather forecasts show temperatures rising above freezing tomorrow afternoon and on Sunday so we encourage you to monitor the conditions close to your home where you enjoy running and get your miles in or run on a treadmill if you have access to one. Also check social media for any groups  that might decide to organize a run once the snow begins to melt and conditions improve. 

Whatever you decide, please run safely and we look forward to seeing you next weekend to officially kick off our training!

Where: First Church / OKC National Memorial (NW 5th & Robinson)
Course: Click here for course map!

Water Stop Sponsor: 


We are going green and will be gradually reducing the number of cups each week.  Get your
hydrapouch today! Only $5 at the training runs or order online here.

As always training is FREE and open to all walkers and runners. You do not need to be a member to attend. Water will be provided about every 3 miles.

If you're not already a member join us today!


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